When Refused broke up in 1998 Dennis started two projects, one being The (international) Noise Conspiracy and the other being a solo project called the Lost Patrol. In 1999 Dennis released his first record under the moniker The Lost Patrol, Songs in the Key of Resistance on Startracks records.
The project laid dormant for a while when Dennis was focusing most of his energy on The (International) Noise Conspiracy. However in 2003 he released the record “Songs About Running Away” on Burning Heart records. The record was a huge collective effort and not so much a solo record. It featured over 20 musicians and had a loose 70’s singer/songwriter feel to it. The records scored some good reviews and had an unlikley hit with the song Alright written by childhood friends Lisa Miskovsky.
After the release of Songs about running away Dennis gathered some friends to form a proper band, more in the veins of the music the he grew up with. The Lost Patrol Band is now consisting of Dennis Lyxzen – Vocals/ Guitar. Andre Sandström – Drums. Robert Petterson – Bass/vocals and Anders Stenberg – Guitar.
The line up is a veritble who’s who of the swedish music scene. Dennis of course sings in The (international) Noise Conspiracy, Andre used to play in thrashers DS-13 and is currently in newcomers Vicious. Robert Plays bass for the amazing band the Regulations and is also handling vocals for Vicious. While Anders is in the hyped swedish country/soul band the Deportess.
In 2004 they went into the studio with Stefan Granberg of Randy and Daniel Berglund of the Isolation Years and recorded 10 short poppy song in the vain of forgotten and not so forgotten bands like the Undertones, the Nerves, Elvis Costello, Rudi, the Zeros, The jags and so on. Great catchy powerpop punk true to the late 70’s early 80’s.
The self titled Lost Patrol Band record was released by Burning Heart in 2005 on Cd and it also got release on Vinyl by Dennis own Label Ny Våg. The record got some great reviews and the video to the song Golden Times actually got a fair amount of airplay in sweden.
In 2004 Dennis got voted the sexiest man in Sweden by magazine Elle. Last year he slipped to #14 but Anders made #31 which will make Lost Patrol by far swedens sexiest band.
Early 2006 The Lost Patrol Band hit the studio twice. First to record a 7” called Automatic Kids for Dennis label Ny Våg and then to record the follow up to the Self titled Lost Patrol Band record.
The new record is tighter and a bit punkier than the last one even though pretty much every songs has a great pop hook to it. Dennis says that it is a celebration to the punkrock that he first discovered in his teens with bands like Buzzcocks, The Jam, Ramones and so on but also a attempt to recreate some of the more amazing and obscure bands that he has fallen in love with over the years like Protex, Pointed Sticks, Carpettes, The Kids and so on. Bands that put out amazing records to an indifferent crowd.
The New Lost Patrol Band record is Called “Automatic” and will be released in October on Burning Heart Records and a limited vinyl version will be released by Ny Våg.
Dennis Lyxzen – Vocals/ Guitar
Robert Petterson – Bass/vocals
Andre Sandström – Drums
Anders Stenberg – Guitar